A Solution for installing EVE Online on Linux

Why i'm doing this? I'm using linux, wine (and EVE Online ofc) many years and every time when wine or linux has an update, changes some things or settings on my installation was the cleanest way to bring it back a new installation from the things, which have changed. The Linux EVE Online Launcher from CCP_Snorlax (many thanks by the way for this) use his own wine version in his own wineprefix. If i want to change some settings there i must the command the used wineprefix give as parameter and if i use the internal wine installation the complete path to the used wine version there, so that it not interfere with other wine installations or wineprefixes.

env WINEPREFIX=/home/gharim/.eve/wineenv /home/gharim/.eve/wine/bin/winecfg

If i change the used wine version to a developer build and launch EVE with this, some settings are gone trough the internal initialization from wine itself by the first start. More than that, some settings from my desktop environment are changed through this. This is not a fault from EVE Launcher, it is a feature from wine itself and are the reason for many errors in this context. Since WineHQ wine version 3.16 can this behaviour be disabled with winecfg, but if you call winecfg the first time he will set these settings because these are the defaults for a new wine environment.

The setup script creates some helper scripts, which should be used to access and change wine settings for EVE, because these scripts looking for the used wine version in EVE so that other wineprefixes if they exists are not affected.

The created script evelauncher.sh need findutils and grep, optional libnotify (and on some distributions libnotify-bin or other named packages which delivers notify-send) to display desktop-messages.

If Steam are in use then creates evelauncher.sh a file named steam_appid.txt, so that EVE can be played with a steam account. Steam must be separate launched before, because the linux launcher is not direct launcheable with the steam linux client, only if you add him as a non-steam-game (but i don't recommend that).

On my opinion it was a good choice to isolate the EVE wine environment from others, then you have with this solution a clean environment for EVE himself and other applications which needs wine are not affected from settings and maybe installations which are only needed from EVE. And by the way, other solutions which brings windows games and applications into wine to linux uses the same methode. If you have only one wine prefix for all windows applications which you use, then you have maybe somedays the same runtime- and dll-hell as on windows itself, so then you can still use windows instead of linux and wine, but this is only my opinion.

Downloads are now available from AUR and only sources to build the installer for yourself: Evesetup Sources

How to use the Installer Sources

The installation from the Arch package has nothing special except, that she are only usefull on Arch based distributions. Make sure, you have multilib enabled on your system because EVE Online is a 32bit application and need a wine 32bit environment instead of the launcher application, which are a 64bit executable. Furthermore make sure, you have graphic drivers for both architectures installed and in case, you want to use DXVK, vulkan support for both architectures too. After building the package with makepkg execute

sudo pacman -U --asdeps evesetup-1501045-0-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

The distribution independed installer need some more steps. You should have a decent system to run EVE Online which means, it should be based on 64bit architecture with enabled 32bit support and graphic drivers for both architectures installed and in case, you want to use DXVK, vulkan support for both architectures. Furthermore you should install wine version 3.5 or newer with your package manager. I prefer a developer version of wine from WineHQ, but if your distribution offers a actual version from wine or wine-development it should be ok. If you want to use DXVK then you need wine version 3.10 or higher, the developer from DXVK recommends this. Then you need to install winetricks, it is now required to setting up wine for EVE. Download the installer snapshot and extract the archive or clone the repository, then open a terminal in the evesetup directory and execute following commands:


On some systems are curl not included. If thats the case please install curl or replace the curl commands 'curl -L -O' with 'wget -nc' in the build script before running this. After building execute

sudo ./evesetup-1501045-0-x86_64.run

if your system dont have sudo try

su -c ./evesetup-1501045-0-x86_64.run

If you have questions or suggestions to the installer packages just write it in the EVE Online Linux Forum : EVE Installing

Standalone Installer

EVE Setup Installer (Build 2019-05-08)

This installer uses the same scripts as the AUR version but he download the launcher binaries from CCP to build an optimized library by installing, the AUR version has all included after build.
Extract the downloaded archive with an archive manager or the command
bzip2 -d ./evesetup-1501045-0-x86_64.run.bz2
and make the extracted evesetup-1501045-0-x86_64.run executable with
chmod a+x ./evesetup-1501045-0-x86_64.run
to install them with
sudo ./evesetup-1501045-0-x86_64.run
su -c ./evesetup-1501045-0-x86_64.run

If you want to uninstall the setup just run the installer again to remove it. The EVE environment in your $HOME are not affected from a deinstallation of the setup, so if you want to remove all remains then you must delete following directories
rm -rf $HOME/.cache/CCP
rm -rf $HOME/.config/CCP
rm -rf $HOME/.local/share/CCP
rm -rf $HOME/.local/lib/EVE
in case you want to use the UniWiki way or want to install the Windows-based launcher with wine.

-- fly safe o7

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Somewhere in the past: The Birth of a Capsuleer (Debian Testing aka Squeeze/Sid 2010)


Somewhere in the past: Progress where made (Debian Squeeze 2011)


My first PC Game, which i have played in the 80's on a Robotron A5120 with patches to build on actual systems: Ladder